Japanese Born, Taiwanese Heritage, New York Blood


I was born in Japan in 1964. During this time, my father was studying law at Japan’s Keio University, and had substantial scholastic ambitions, thus, I was sent to live with my grandmother in Taiwan- the country in which my parents were native to. My father eventually finished his studies and became one of the first lawyers in Flushing, NY, petitioning for my immigration to The United States of America when I was ten years old. When I arrived in America in 1974, I had discovered that my family was dysfunctional, and my father would often beat my mother and I, which led me to run away from home in 1975.

This led me to being placed in a shelter for abused children, before being placed solely in my mother’s custody after my parent’s divorce. During this time, my mother and I moved to Kingsbridge in The Bronx, and I picked up a paper route delivering The Daily News in the morning, and the New York Post after school. Despite the paper route keeping me on track,

I began to hang out around the wrong crowd, and much like many other troubled teens in New York at the time, I started abusing illegal substances. My life was spinning out of control, and I was ultimately arrested for burglary and criminal trespassing, prior to spending time in a federal penitentiary.

A short time after my release from federal and state prison, my father was diagnosed with liver cancer, which led to his passing in 1989. Combining this with being released from prison, I was at the lowest point of my life, and this brought me to recognize the things that matter most in my life in which to lean on; God’s mercy, my wife, and my first-born child, Franklin, whom I named after my father. Through these pillars, and a wife who never gave up on me, I ventured into the limousine/car service business, which then led me to learning a trade skill, car repair. Building upon my limousine and car service business experience mixed with my newly acquired skills, I set out to pursue The American Dream by opening my own car repair business in 1990, which I still operate to this day. At work, I see all walks of life, from every corner of the earth. I see the foundations in which America was built upon, the melting pot of diversity that makes America so unique, and how it has begun to fall apart through terrible political influence.

I have worked long and hard in the same neighborhood which led to my fall from grace in the early eighties, becoming the epitome of The American Dream. Today, said dream no longer is achievable. The state of our nation and community is in shambles and this country cannot go on with complacent political hack jobs making empty promises that leads to false hope while they pursue their own agendas.

The community aspect of America is lost, and I am running for office to rekindle it. We need to restore the integrity of our government leaders to the likes of our founding fathers by employing truthful, intelligent, moral principles and values as the basis of holding positions of power. Politicians ought not to compromise for a paycheck to stay in power but stand firm for values and principles that will lead to the betterment of society.

By voting for me, I can assure you that the basis for all of these foundations will be laid, and that New York’s 6th District will be restored to a truthful, transparent, and well-run community.





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